
As March rolls in, spring cleaning is on a lot of our minds. It’s a time when we get ready to deep clean our homes and prepare for warmer, sunnier weather. But spring cleaning goes much deeper than that (pun intended). While it’s important to clean and become more organized physically, it’s even more important to do the same mentally. And, it’s much easier than you think! Here’s a few ways you can jumpstart your mental spring cleaning.

visual organizing

This goes hand in hand with traditional spring cleaning, but is slightly more targeted. Physical clutter can cause mental clutter and fog. Focus your organizing and cleaning on areas you see often – your desk, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Keeping these areas organized and clear will make it easier for you to stay focused all year long.

keep the phone at home

Keep your phone at home as often as possible. The next time you head out the door to meet your friends for dinner, leave your phone. Without knowing it, constantly checking your phone and spending mindless hours scrolling on social media will increase brain fog. Opting to keep your phone at home will help clear and recharge you mentally.

purge + reuse

As minimalism becomes more popular, it’s easy to see it’s main appeal – less physical clutter means less mental clutter. Spring cleaning is the perfect time to rummage through your closet and things to see what you no longer need. Ask yourself the following questions with each item – 1) Have I worn this in the last 4 months? 2) Does this fit me? 3) Does this item bring me joy? Answering these questions will help you determine what you truly need.

After making pile of your no-longer-wanted items, it’s time to donate! Another option for some items, specially any t-shirts you no longer need, is to reuse them as cleaning rags. This is also a great way to reduce your overall waste!

Get outside

This is a no-brainer! Get outside and connect with nature as much as you can. As the weather gets warmer, it’s the perfect time to explore the island and soak in the sun’s energizing rays.

Take things a step further and try grounding. Grounding (or earthing) is when you spend an amount of time (the longer, the better!) connecting to Earth by walking barefoot and soaking in the electrical charge from the ground. You can practice grounding just about anywhere: from walking barefoot in your yard to hanging on the beach. Spending time outside and connecting with nature will reenergize you almost instantly.

embrace ‘me’ time

Even on your busiest day, it’s important to make time for you. Go for a walk, dine alone once a month, meditate, even grab a coffee and just sit at a cafe. Embrace this ‘me’ time in quiet so you can get more in-tune with yourself. Understanding yourself more will help you gain more control in life, boost your mental clarity and help you reach any goals you set now and in the future.

open the windows

This tip is our easiest one! Once the weather gets warmer, opt to open your windows instead of cranking up the AC. Nothing beats the fresh air that mother nature provides!

Bring the outside in

For days when you can’t get outside, bring the outside in! Add a few house plants throughout your house to liven and freshen up your space. These add a beautiful, natural pop of color to any room, and they also help you breathe easier with their purifying qualities. Just in time for spring, and a perfect addition all year ’round!